The concerns and needs of our customers are the focus and center of all our efforts. Very often nowadays they can no longer be served only by using traditional methods.
We therefore offer a wide range of competences, disciplines and methods, which are represented by an unique network of experts whose expertise is based on many years of experience on the international stages of architecture, geomancy, management consulting, spirituality or urban planning.
They serve a spectrum from the mental and spiritual levels of our reality to creative, structural and entrepreneurial implementation.
Expert in spiritual guidance
New Spaces / Geomancy in the Mirror of the New Earth
Expert for the evolutionary processes of our earth and their integration into our own processes, places and companies
Expert for ancient asian knowledge / medial coaching / systemic constellation work / transformation work
Expert for communication between humans and the spiritually ensouled earth
Expert for the integration of consciousness processes on the personal level
The knowledge of astronomy / electrobiology / measurement technology / ritual techniques / spirituality / western astrology can also be applied by highly specialized experts of our network.
Companies in our network from the fields of architecture / graphic design / landscape architecture / marketing / management consulting can be involved in the integration and implementation of the developed concepts.