A material heritage is always accompanied by an ideal heritage
With the passage of time, real estate, businesses or wealth pass from one generation to the next. At this moment, not only the material assets change its owner, but also all the associated energetic imprints.
This is a moment of greatest challenge, which requires the greatest possible concentration and know-how, not only because the next generation wants to do things differently but also because planetary change of our time brings with it completely different challenges.
We accompany the transformation and development processes on the basis of our know-how.
A family that managed to build an empire within a generation. However, one family member of the next generation had to deal with a variety of problems, especially relationship issues and issues concerning her children.
Support for problem solutions
Support in creating a consistent family system
Clarification of issues that have been smoldering for a long time
Energetic consideration of the family business
Intensive work with karmic and systemic layers
Analysis and optimization of the apartment floor plan
Finding a new stable family situation
Impulses for the development of the future role in family and corporate succession
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